Grand Slam
GrandSlam volume 1.iso
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Text File
143 lines
name: page/number lenght in byte (*)
1869 2/22 84528
A.G.E. 2/20 142026
Airbucks 2/08 639014
Alien Breed 4/15 183351
Alien Invasion 6/04 201444
Alone in the Dark I 3/20 3616
Aufschwung Ost 5/05 245574
A-Train 3/17 128551
Barbie 5/18 135018
Battle Isle 3/07 10112/212242
Battle Isle Mond 3/06 216528
Blake Stone AoG 4/21 137810
Blues Brothers 1/04 196608
Bundesliga Manager Pro 3/18 312476
Burntime 2/14 83056
Caesar 2/04 251507
Cannon Fodder german 6/09 74921
Cannon Fodder english 6/08 74522
Castles I 3/02 117153
Castles II 3/03 246496
Centurio 3/08 45856
Civilisation 1/11 306068
Cobra Mission 1/17 115092
Commander Keen I 4/03 51226
Commander keen IV 4/04 102355
Commander keen V 1/09 104445
Commander Keen Dreames 1/07
Creepers 3/21 71002
Cruel World 2/16 143712
Cybercon III 3/09 2209
Diggers 6/06 304396
Doofus 6/02 173301
Dracula 4/02 59328
Duke Nukem II 4/22 58852
Dune II 2/12 365504
Dungeon Master 5/12 11603
Dusk of the Gods 4/10 1374
Dyna Blaster 1/08 42096
Dynatech 2/03 103434
Elements 6/05 165366
Elite I 1/01 103903
Elite II (Frontier) 4/18 119312
Entity 3/16 57171
Erben des Throns 4/20 103456
Eye of the Beholder I 1/13 8652
Eye of the Beholder II 1/14 333296
Fire & Ice 4/19 1021763
Flash Back 3/15 126860
Frantis Mission II 5/04 121872
Fury of the Furies 5/01 579971
Gadget 5/17 122514
Galactix 2/13 76625
Genesia 5/09 274396
Gods 1/20 833
Halloween Harry 5/13 11744
Incredible Toons 5/08 474224
Jim Power 5/02 4880
Juressic Park 4/11 4942
Kyrandia II 5/03 161248
Lamborghini 5/14 8332
Lands of Lore 2/09 129490
Lemmings II 3/05 6716
Lethal Weapons III 1/03 3708424
Litil Divil 5/22 525648
Lotus III 4/14 4992
Maelstrom 5/10 572274
Magic Pockets 3/01 49434
Mega lo Mania 4/01 77062
Might and Magic III 1/16 279856
Might and Magic IV 1/19 38228
Might and Magic V 1/10 53647
Monster Bash I,II,III 3/11,12,13 75293/74977/75105
Monty Python 3/10
Pacific Islands 4/12 156546
Pete 6/03 185543
Planet's Edge 4/16 87748
Popolus II 2/21 210385
Prehistorik I 2/18 164166
Prehistorik II 2/19 52190
Prophecy of the Shadow 1/02 125019
Race into Space 1/21 695568
Railroad Tycoon I 2/05 197182
Railraod Tycoon II 1/05 265234
Rampart 3/04 49982
Risky Woods 3/14 86837
Robocod 4/13 82840
Simpsons 3/21 170287
Speedball II 2/02 41183
Starlord 5/15 71251
Stellar 7 1/22 79165
Steg 5/07 45685
Stormlord 4/05 54384
Super Nibbly 5/06 862
Sword of Honour 6/10 58704
Terminator II 4/07 52313
Terminator Rampage 4/17 75200
The Elder Scrolls 5/11 169685
Thunder Hawk 3/19 206400
Thunder Strike II 4/06 71400
Tubular Worlds 6/07 115606
Tunnels and Trolls 2/01 7701
Ugh 2/10 411838
Ultima VI 1/15 204681
Ultima Underworld I 1/17 561744
Ultima Underworld II 1/18 675968
Unlimited Adventure 2/11 587318
Utopia 4/09 1605
Viking Child 2/07 61293
We are back 6/01 186020
Wizard 5/16 101952
Wizardry VII 2/06 16056
Xargon I+II+III 5/19/20/21 166250/166450/166404
Xennon II 4/08 123496
X-Wing 1/12 269237
Yo Joe 2/15
Zool 1/06 4912
(*) length of the exe- or com-file ct executes
(if your exe- or com-flie has a different length this cheat may not work)